The method opens up a space to dive into a research about moving by necessity, trust, risk and presence, in both the physical and the emotional-mental level. The course is about to investigate in terms, such as presence and absence, temporality, musicality, rhythm, repetition, coordination, fluidity, elasticity, linearity, circularity, with a strong focus on unfolding the concept of strength in fragility. Expanding the scales of precision, endurance commitment and intensity.
Focusing on differentiating between explosive and implosive action, varying the radius of the projection of movement-intention in the physical and in the emotional-imaginary space, switching consciously between action and reaction, surrounding and confronting.
The works uses during the journey of the discovery, both, the language of improvisation as well as technical skills and phrasing / set material, with the aim of undoing the pre-conception about each and their boundaries. Exploring how to include the characteristic of spontaneity and extraordinary sensitive listening of improvisation into fix material and vice versa how to compose with clarity and precision into improvisation and real time composition.