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THE SPACE IN_BETWEEN is an ongoing dance, improvisation and movement based artistic research, and collaborative praxis, developing creative practices and methods which function as the base of artistic creations as well as of my pedagogical work.


As the base of my artistic work, it evolves,  transforms and opens up into new inter- and multidisciplinary directions through the natural development of various artistic collaborations. THE SPACE IN BETWEEN method as  a base of artistic creations, serves as introducing a  form of a research method, as well as it is maintaining the philosophical "red line" of the work, the interest about the philosophical and artistic exploration of human relations through physicality - through dance and performing art. Exposing the time and space where those dimensions through action and reaction, through motion melt into each other creating the 'in-between' space, where  intentions cross, clash, merge into each other,  where the energy becomes tangible.


In form of workshops, professional classes and laboratories the method is offering tools for artistic development in a challenging, intensive, but respectful and safe environment, supporting artists and individuals - with high interest and engagement in dance and in the performing arts -, in their journey to unfold their full potential as performers and creators.


 THE SPACE IN BETWEEN method, is structured into different approaches, exploring the same concept through various forms of physical accesses. The method is offering practical tools and approaches to open one’s own creative performing presence, developing and crystallising it through investing in the understanding of what ones own “movement/performing skillset” can offer to engage in the journey of authentic creation, self expression, personal and artistic engagement. 



        _ BODY ACTION _



        _ IN - TACT Contemporary _

        _ IN - TACT Flamenco _


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